Sunday, November 1, 2009

Me and the Peas

One food I miss while in Japan is good bread. There just isn't much bread, and the Japanese idea is that bread should be very soft. For example, a sandwich at the convenience store will be on mushy white bread with the crust removed. Also, some things that look like bread are really buns with stuff inside - maybe meat or sweet beans - and I can't tell what I'll get, since I can't read.

So, I was pleased to find this baguette at the supermarket today. Lovely crunchy crust, light inside, definitely good eating. The cheese is a bit disturbing though. It's "Kraft Camembert in 6P Cheese," though in the US it wouldn't be cheese, it would be cheese-food. It kind of reminds me of Laughing Cow.

I spent what seemed like hours at Food One Supermarket today. By the end I was really tired of trying to decipher packaging - "Hmm, I wonder if this is vinegar or fruit juice? And, why are there three kinds of Kikkoman soy sauce?" I wanted food that will be easy to prepare while we're getting our apartment set up, so I bought basics and convenience food, like these snack peas. I think I've had this kind before, and I'm not sure I liked it, but I couldn't resist the packaging - "Kasugai Peas & You"!
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  1. Hey, are they wasabi peas? I love those, though I'm betting Dante may not be too big on them. . .

  2. No, they're pretty flavorless. They seem to have a sort of flour-based crust. I'll watch for wasabi peas - that sounds good.
