Khing and I visited Enoshima, a small island south of Fujisawa. We saw lots of surfers on the way. There's a bridge - Khing says it reminds him of Mont Saint Michel. We walked up a steep street between shops. We bought a potato cake, a fish cake, and a tasty grilled substance on a stick that we couldn't identify.
At the top of the little town area, you start up the steps for the temples. For ¥150, you can ride a series of escalators to the top. Most people take the steps. As you walk, you pass several shrines, a temple, more restaurants and shops, and some houses.
At the far end of the island, you descend to the rocky shore. We thought that when we got to the far side of the island, we could return by walking around the island at sea level. But, Enoshima is too rocky for that. The only way back was up all those stairs, across the top of the island, and back down the way we originally went up. The juggler passed us on the way back down.